Capstone Animation Filmmaking Courses: IANIM 2020 Sophomore Seminar 2 & IANIM 3500 Junior Seminar

IANIM 3500 Junior Seminar
Capstone Course, BFA in Animation & VFX, 3 Credits
Course Description: This course will focus on the importance of the collaborative nature of animation production. Students will be immersed in the creative development process as well as partake in a wide variety of conceptual and technical workshops that explore various forms of storytelling and animation production. By the end of the semester, students will collaboratively produce an imaginative and thoughtful animated short film using the class as a resource for feedback and support. The collaborative structure of this course mimics a professional animation studio pipeline.
Requirements of the Class: To pass this course students must work with their assigned crewmates to produce and present a fully completed, 120-second, animated film and artist statement at the Junior Juries in May. A final grade of C or above is needed to continue to Senior Seminar I. 


“Home Sweet Home Planet” Pre-Production Character Designs. 2022.
alien character lineup
HSHP Character lineup

“Stained Red” Pre-Production, Rough Character Designs. 2022.

stained red lineup

“Tiny Baker” Pre-Production, Rough Designs: Characters, Backgrounds, and Props. 2022.
Tiny Baker Character Designs
Tine Baker Backgrounds
Tiny Baker Props

“Cryptic Cookies” Pre-Production, Rough Design Drafts: Characters and Backgrounds. 2021.

3cmonster girl scout character lineup

rough background design community center

“Multibird” Pre-Production, Rough Storyboards. 2021.

Multibird boards early panels

Multibird storyboard Owl scene

“Bell Tree” Pre-Production, Color Script. 2021.

Multibird cs panels

Junior Seminar: Completed Films